Universe Timeline (Where to start)

First off, welcome to the Dwemhar Realms

With so many books, you may wonder where should you start but I've got really good news! All book bundles are designed to include everything you need!

With each 'Book One' launching you into the series, you'll be well on your way to jumping feet first into the action.

>>>I recommend this bundle for new readers:


The Stormborn Saga is a fourteen book complete series that introduces you to many aspects of the world overall and is a great launching point for new readers. (I even polled my current readers and Stormborn Saga won out as best for new readers!)

If you'd prefer to start with the earliest in the timeline, The Sunkenlands is your best bet! But many, many readers found these books through the other series listed below! 

As always, you can email me at authorjtwilliams@gmail.com with any questions.

Remember: Bundles double as both great launching points and the best deal for buying my books! (and you can read them on any device.)